Emergency generators

Emergency power generators for mains-independent power generation

Not only do emergency generators provide a reliable supply of electricity in the event of a power cut. They can also be quickly and easily rendered operational wherever no public mains network is (yet) available. They can be individually modified in accordance with your requirements. At NTC, we will be happy to assist you or even manage the entire project at your request – from the design stage to supply and delivery, and including installation of the entire system, including infrastructure (exhaust system, ventilation equipment, fuel system, etc.).

Emergency generators are produced as individual modules, with a power range of between 85 kVA and 2,900 kVA. This power output can, however, be increased by connecting several generators in parallel. The extremely helpful option when it comes to configuring the optimum solution for all of your requirements. 

Do you need assistance in determining your power requirements or in the system design? We will be happy to help. Whatever your questions, we can assist you and even produce tender documents for you if required.

Prepared for everything

Our product portfolio comprises all types of emergency generator construction, from standard to custom solutions. On the one hand, we offer you emergency generators for installation in buildings, but we also supply systems designed to be installed in various types of containers or units that fulfil special requirements, such as TA-Luft (air) or TA-Lärm (noise). There are no limits to the applications for which our systems are suitable. We cover all fields securely, from banks to government authorities, from retail and industrial sites to hospitals, and from media and publishing organisations to scientific and technological establishments.


Full service

When it comes to emergency power, always rely on a full-service partner like NTC. So you are always well advised from A to Z.