Professional battery monitoring for safe emergency power supply
Batteries are a fundamental component of any secure emergency power supply. However, it is important to ensure that they are powerful enough to provide sufficient ‘juice’. Which is why NTC has developed the BMOS 3000 – a fundamentally new measuring system that constantly monitors every battery system in a UPS or DC supply system and logs their statuses.
The security and reliability of a UPS system depends on the security and reliability of each individual component. It only takes one single battery block to start losing power to put the entire electricity supply at risk. The BMOS 3000 developed by NTC effectively counters this problem. The automatic battery monitoring system is specially designed to maintain battery functionality, but it is also a flexible and effective component for general system maintenance that discernibly reduces the degree of servicing required. It continuously records the voltages of each individual block or cell and logs any errors or unusual battery statuses.
Professionelle Batterieüberwachung von NTC - Ihre Vorteile auf einen Blick
- Continuous individual battery block monitoring (24 hours a day, 365 days a year) in UPS, DC and other battery systems
- Early fault detection and correction
- Reduced risk of battery failure
- Higher battery availability, even directly at each individual battery block
- Enhanced user-friendliness, wide functional scope and great flexibility